The Benefits of Microlearning

Microlearning is not a new idea, but actually a very old one. Something you may not have considered is that a large part of your staff’s professional expertise comes from committed and experienced colleagues continuously sharing their knowledge and answering questions.

Microlearning is a method that involves absorbing knowledge, collecting it in a digital format and then sharing it with others in small doses. It has proven to be more effective than traditional learning, where a large amount of information is disseminated in a single session. The short training sequences can be offered as individual lessons, as a series or a complement to another activity.

“Today’s retail salesperson need education on set in store. The education should only include limited information and inspiration about each product or brand. If there is an information overload and the format of the education is not designed in a good way there is a risk that most information will be forgotten by the receiver.”

– Mikael Klang, CEO, Remarkable

Microlearning in retail

In recent years, the retail industry has taken to the smartly packaged educational concept. Today, staff are woefully short on time to partake of all the information provided by brands and distributors. Often these materials revolve around technical details. Unfortunately, that is generally not the type of product knowledge that results in purchases and satisfied customers.

”The salesperson must understand the customer and their actual needs. Theories and research both show that purchase decisions largely come down to emotional valence. The customer may not be consciously aware of this, but it is something that all salespeople should know,” explains Mikael Klang, CEO of Remarkable.

Personal growth motivates staff

Studies on what motivates retail staff have found that personal growth is highly valued. Understanding other people and their needs is something that retail staff want to learn more about. So do you want more motivated staff and greater customer satisfaction? Then contact us and we will tell you more about Microlearning.

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