Ett varumärke är mer än bara ett namn och en logotyp, det innefattar även konsumenternas uppfattningar och känslor om produkterna och dess egenskaper. Ett framgångsexempel med en väl genomtänkt strategi är teknikjätten Apple – och allt började med butikerna.
Apple’s first store was designed to attract people, even if they were just passing by. Jobs’s designer Tim Kobe, founder of strategic design firm Eight Inc., said the biggest lesson he learned from working with Steve Jobs was to “create value for customers in addition to selling products.”
Har du kontroll på upplevelsen?
Vikten av en varumärkesupplevelse har inte mattats av, snarare tvärtom. Under de senaste sju åren har vi hjälpt Apple att etablera sitt koncept i butikskedjor och varuhus. Här har vi samlat några insikter från vårt samarbete med världens mest framgångsrika teknikföretag.
- Promotions have become the most important in-store activity. Previously, products in different price ranges were presented in stores. Today, featured products are preferentially promoted instead. Thus, promotions have become the most important in-store activity and to succeed, you need finely honed timing, products and staff training.
- Promotions have become the most important in-store activity. Previously, products in different price ranges were presented in stores. Today, featured products are preferentially promoted instead. Thus, promotions have become the most important in-store activity and to succeed, you need finely honed timing, products and staff training.
- Take control of the experience. If you do not actively work to curate your brand experience, it will take on a life of its own in the wild. Most likely in a way that does not benefit your brand. To this end, companies must do everything they can to ensure that the brand is perceived as intended, as it leads to a good long-term relationship with employees, customers, suppliers and business partners.